18 February 2016

Offshore Pipeline Installation

Offshore pipeline installation is the next step after designing. These days, there are few methods that commonly used and can be adapted to install offshore pipeline system, such as S-Lay method, J-Lay method, O-Lay method, Reel Lay method, and Beach Pull.

S-Lay Method

This method is quiet time-saving and can be done in vary depths. S-Lay refers to the pipeline shape forming “S” during the installation. This method requires lay-barge or other vessel designed to pipe-laying. Pipe is eased off the stern of the vessel as the boat moves forward. The pipe curves downward from the stern through the water until it reaches the seafloor. As more pipe is welded in the line and eased off the boat, the pipe forms the shape of an “S” in the water. Stingers, measuring up to 91 meters long, extend from the stern to support the pipe as it is moved into the water, as well as control the curvature of the installation. Some pipe-lay barges have adjustable stingers, which can be shortened or lengthened according to the water depth.

In S-Lay method, pipe receive more stress, especially at the bending (curve). This may become a concern due to pipe-cracking.
S-Lay Method Schematic
Source : https://anakkelautan.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/32.jpg

S-Lay Barge
Source : https://oilandgastechnologies.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/s-lay.png

J-Lay Method

J-Lay method put less stress on the pipe during installation, since there are only one bend (curve) forming the shape of “J”. This method inserts the pipeline in an almost vertical position. Pipe is lifted by a tall tower on the boat/barge, then inserted into the sea. The pipe bends once, under the water, taking on the shape of “J”.

J-Lay Method Schematic 
Source : https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhB36sUGbmDegfkiV4TJvXAuyEAtAWEUSmQ2gwgzha2xINomMSNheNBgIcuPjCd2nPZUkCQoyhdpDLhztS9Nhe7Bw-pNxvUv6t-MzxK9YyMMpy4xH6jb9YR7t27KjVn83OyrtDexsMuZDnS/s400/3.jpg

J-Lay Barge
Source : http://www.wermac.org/nordstream/ns_images/nordstream36.jpg

O-Lay Method

By using the O-lay technology operational production costs can be reduced compared to the existing general methods of pipe laying offshore. With O-lay, the pipe laying operations will be faster than other methods used today. Pipe line installation of larger diameter pipe can be as fast as 25 km per day. Furthermore the technology is safer because there are less people working in the offshore environment and the offshore operations are done in a shorter period of time.
The bottleneck of welding and testing on the traditional lay-barge is not a procedure that is part of the installation process anymore. Welding and testing are done on an onshore construction site.

O-Lay Method Schematic
Source : http://www.o-lay.net/images/o-lay-PIJPNAAR_BODEM_lang.jpg

Reel Lay Method

This method is firstly proposed to install pipeline with relatively small in diameter. But it have been developed to install pipeline with 12″ to  16″ diameter in size. This method used coiled pipe on a spool (reel) resulting in fast productivity due to the ability to lay the pipe by “unwinding” it from the reel. The process costs due to the reduced number of personnel required to lay the pipe, lowering the risk of accidents at the same time, and providing efficiency in the availability of the pipe.
Each reel is designed to operate with a specific barge and can usually handle pipe from 2″ to 12″. The total length capacity depends on the spool dimensions and the diameter of the pipe.

Reel-Lay Method Schematic
Source : http://www.tomarine.com/images/Reel-Lay-01.png

Reel Lay Barge
Source : http://www.offshore-mag.com/content/dam/offshore/print-articles/Volume%2072/sept/bond1-1209off.jpg

Beach Pull Method

Beach pull or also known as shore pull method is adapted for a near-shore pipe installation that is perpendicular to the shoreline, with pulling pipeline from the shore. Pipe is welded on a lay barge where the end of the pipe to shore set with pull head. Pull head hooks cable from shore.
The cable is connected to a winch on shore. Pulled pipe then glided into water through its route. Each segment of pipe is completed with buoy. When all pipes are on they’re position, buoys then being released.

Beach Pull Schematic
Source : Slide KL4200 Subsea Pipeline

Beach Pull Method 
Source : https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQW75xUwCnKfrgPykHWPxuj_kLV3dJrYjVgKnFeSfTNLBBmUCFk

Santika, Anindya Rizki. Laporan tugas akhir: Desain dan Analisis Instalasi Pipa Bawah Laut Menggunakan DNV OS F101 2010 dan DNV 1981. Bandung. 2011.

Dega Damara Aditramulyadi
Student ID : 15512046
Course      : KL4220 Subsea Pipeline
Lecturer   : Prof. Ir. Ricky Lukman Tawekal, MSE, Ph. D.
                  Eko Charnius Ilman, ST, MT
Ocean Engineering Program, Institut Teknologi Bandung

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