18 February 2016

Pipeline Gooseneck

A gooseneck (or goose neck) is a 180° pipe fitting at the top of a vertical pipe that prevents entry of water. Common implementations of goosenecks are ventilator piping or ducting for bathroom and kitchen exhaust fans, ship holds, landfillmethane vent pipes, or any other piping implementation exposed to the weather where water ingress would be undesired. It is so named because the word comes from the similarity of the pipe fitting to the bend in a goose's neck.

Gooseneck may also refer to a style of kitchen or bathroom faucet with a long vertical pipe terminating in a 180° bend. To avoid hydrocarbon accumulation, a thermosiphon should be installed at the low point of the gooseneck

Source :

Dega Damara Aditramulyadi
Student ID : 15512046
Course      : KL4220 Subsea Pipeline
Lecturer   : Prof. Ir. Ricky Lukman Tawekal, MSE, Ph. D.
                  Eko Charnius Ilman, ST, MT
Ocean Engineering Program, Institut Teknologi Bandung

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